Patti - Lender


I think the reason I get so much pleasure from giving to Mission Housing is that it encourages two of my major interests and concerns.

Not in order of merit, the first is the idea of giving people somewhere to live. Many years ago I saw the film “Cathy Come Home” and was so appalled at how easy it was to lose a home and the truly ghastly life that follows, that I set my mind to do whatever I could to help. Not much in those days but something. This was before Mission Housing was set up.

The second reason is my heart’s desire to see people brought into a living faith in Jesus Christ. I am not an evangelist by gifting, but of course, that does not stop the command to go and make disciples of all nations. To be able to do that effectively means living among those people and sharing lives at every level. To be able to support and encourage those people whom God is calling to that work in some of the hard places, gives me great satisfaction.

Over the years, because God is no one’s debtor and has been extraordinarily generous to me, so I have been able to help provide homes for Mission Housing and encourage the taking of the gospel by His today disciples.

I would urge you to do the same. Little or much does not really matter.

It will be returned to you multiplied in this world or the next. Probably both!

“I would urge you to do the same. Little or much does not really matter.

It will be returned to you multiplied in this world or the next. Probably both! ”


Danielle and Noah


Chris and Ali