Danielle and Noah
Seas of Change:
Noah and I moved to London in late 2009 from Canada, we had plans to stay a year or two and see Europe whilst working in London. What we didn’t expect was to find a deep sense of ‘home’ and a kinship in ministry at our church in Tower Hamlets. We never had a firm plan in the amount of time we would stay, but as the years progressed and our commitments to church life deepened, we found ourselves asked to be part of a church plant in our local area. We knew that this was a serious commitment, and one which could be solidified through putting down roots through home purchase, but the mountain before us seemed insure(mountain)able! We were encouraged by our church family to remember that God created mountains, and delights in moving them! We contacted Mission Housing after being encouraged by other local ministers who partnered with the organisation, and in July 2019 we made our initial application.
Despite being serious underdogs, the team and trustees saw something worth partnering with, and we officially started our campaign in the Spring of 2020…when a little something called Covid-19 also started a campaign! Our journey was a slow one, and not without mini personal crises often involved in stepping out in faith, but in July 2021 I was walking home from a Christian charity event I had organised and I saw a woman clearing out her father’s home, and the ball began to roll towards it becoming Our Father’s home!
A few days before Christmas 2021, we became first time home owners! Then the fun began! After a few months of partial renovations, we moved in with our four children in February 2022. Family life in a construction site is still ongoing, but we have been able to safely host guests since September of that year.
Since starting our partnership with Mission Housing, the details of our plan to plant near our home were changed as half of our team for the plant had to leave Tower Hamlets, and our church was approached by another local fellowship to merge with them. We now meet across two congregations, and one of them is a neighbouring area to our local one, so still near to easily invite friends and neighbours to. Furthermore, our church leadership team has changed a lot in the last 6 months, but part of this change has meant I have come on staff to help coordinate and lead the areas of church life that reach in and out to children and families. It has been encouraging to see so many people step forward and take on responsibilities in church life these past months. Our commitment to the LORD and the local Church has not ceased, and by God’s grace we continue to be upheld and adapt to the changes life brings- we pray His Kingdom come His will be done on Earth, and in Tower Hamlets, and in our lives- as it is in Heaven.
“Our commitment to the LORD and the local Church has not ceased, and by God’s grace we continue to be upheld and adapt to the changes life brings- we pray His Kingdom come His will be done on Earth, and in Tower Hamlets, and in our lives- as it is in Heaven.”