Sameh and Viviane
Their heart is to share the Good News of Jesus – in both word and deed. The church is unable to support their ministry financially, so they are ‘tent-makers’ – their tent making in working in administration within the NHS – which includes helping Arabic speakers access medical services.
Sameh is one of the church leaders so is involved in preaching, leading prayer meetings, street evangelism, facilitating evangelism courses and working with refugees and asylum seekers. Viviane is a Sunday School teacher, helps run Messy church, undertakes admin for Cornerstone and also acts as a link with other churches in the area.
They live close to a University and work with Arab students there and also to the extended Arabic Community. As well as meeting practical needs and offering to pray with them, they also seek to help dispel misconceptions about what Christians believe.
To ensure they can continue their ministry, they need support to be able to afford a house big enough for themselves and their two children, ideally located in an Arabic-speaking community.
Sameh and Viviane are committed to serving God in West London and need to find a permanent home. They love living among the people they serve and want a home that can be a base for ministry and hospitality. A home suitable for their requirements will cost in the region of £450,000 – which is more than they can afford. That’s why they are working in partnership with Mission Housing – a Christian charity that enables key Christian workers to afford accommodation.
“Sameh is one of the church leaders so is involved in preaching, leading prayer meetings, street evangelism, facilitating evangelism courses and working with refugees and asylum seekers.”

Could you provide a loan to enable Sameh & Viviane to permanently move into the community they love to live and work?