Jonathan and Jessica
Their current rental property is no longer suitable for their family and mission, and they cannot afford to buy a property without the help of Mission Housing. They would like to invite friends, family and contacts to invest in God’s Kingdom and help to purchase a family home that works for their mission. Can you provide a loan to help make this happen?
Through shared ownership, Jonathan and Jessica want to put down roots in the UK to impact the world
Jonathan and Jessica’s ministry is dedicated to reaching the world. After years of experience on the field, through their work with their mission organisation, their approach is now focused on mobilising, training and equipping people towards working on the mission field.
When serving in the Middle-East, he has witnessed the beginnings of a faith movement among their work with refugees which started in 2010, growing to hundreds of followers. As the “Country Director” of a Canadian NGO, he ran a microfinance programme, food distributions, and health programs for poor local communities. Returning to the UK in 2013, he has been working with the international HQ of their mission organisation supporting 280 teams globally. He mobilises prayer for unengaged people groups & places, connects colleagues and resources globally and is involved in facilitating leaders collaborating together on strategic projects to do with their mission goals. He is currently transitioning into a new role working with the Sending Team at HQ.
Jessica was called to mission in her 20s serving in North Africa for nine years where she taught English and was deeply embedded in a refugee community learning the language and culture and building relationships to share Jesus' love. She moved to England in 2021 after getting married, and took a role focusing on mobilising the UK church to pray for and send workers to the mission field. She trains & coaches young people in discovering their calling, enabling them to thrive on the field, focusing on deep transformation in communities. She also very much sees her current mission to be supporting her family (including a newborn and 3 other sons) in the home.
Jonathan and Jessica are committed to serving God in High Wycombe and need to find a permanent home. They love the work that they do in the UK and long for a home that can be a base for their work and hospitality.
A home suitable for their requirements will cost in the region of £500,000 – which is more than they can afford. That’s why they are working in partnership with Mission Housing – a Christian charity that enables key Christian workers to afford accommodation.

Could you provide a loan to enable Jonathan & Jessica to permanently move into the community they love to live and work in?