Paul and Hannah
“Paul is an exceptional and well-respected leader and I am so delighted that Mission Housing is supporting the family. Paul invests in training, coaching and developing young leaders in our organisation, as well as supporting their spiritual life and growth. He is an invaluable asset to us and him and his family are a credit to the wider community.”
- Iona Ledwidge ~ CEO, Resurgo
Paul & Hannah want to continue envisioning others, developing leaders and equipping the Church for social transformation
Paul and Hannah have dedicated over a decade to serving in West London, investing deeply in the community, and envisioning and inspiring young people facing significant challenges. They long to see the church meeting local needs, to witness genuine change and to see the Kingdom of God break out in all its fullness.
Paul’s role as Head of Church Partnerships with Resurgo’s Spear Programme equips young people with the skills needed for sustained employment, fostering independence and transformation across 17 centers in the UK.
Hannah works at the Lyric Theatre, using creative arts to re-engage young people who have been excluded from school, nurturing their potential and demonstrating God’s love.
Having both grown up in London and with a heart to see their city changed, their roles are a direct expression of faith – seeking to meet the needs of their local communities and love their neighbour as themselves.
After years of living with family to save on housing costs, Paul and Hannah are now ready to find a home that allows them to put down roots in the area they are passionate about serving. A stable home would enable them to continue their impactful work, meet community needs, and develop future leaders to carry out the mission of social transformation.
Paul and Hannah are committed to serving God in West London and need to find a permanent home. They love the work that they do in the UK and long for a home that can be a base for their work and hospitality.
A home suitable for their requirements will cost in the region of £650,000 – which is more than they can afford. That’s why they are working in partnership with Mission Housing – a Christian charity that enables key Christian workers to afford accommodation.

WE ARE THRILLED to report that this campaign is fully funded, they identified a property and are now in the purchase process.